The Center for Questioning and Questioning and Questioning? (Norfolk edition)
Audience’s Feedback
“ The way you (the performer) merged both questions together, one serious 'how do you forgive someone?" and one utterly nonsense 'Octopus or kangaroo' together / you Said 'we should go find the last kangaroo' / moments of comfort, discomfort and quiet moments/ being blindfolded and being sung to/cathartic/ performer brought life to objects/ passive to active viewer/ surprised because from the perspective of the participant, the experience seemed out of time, but in reality, you kept it to an hour/ audience was learning about themselves, but you were also learning a lot about your practice / audience acknowledged this added to the experience/ micro¯o relationships of space was interesting/ hearing other people's experiences was interesting and to see how it seeped into everyday life because we knew every participant personally/ maybe have a reception after so people can talk about it/ was a bit reluctant on trust, maybe have an assessment on individuals first (another participant said he overcame his skepticism since performer gave enough time for participant to process). Enjoyed counting down her age through the singing/ enjoyed how the performer transformed from person to oracle/ the act of seduction/ thought the marketing of the performance was more formal through announcement and posters, felt like the institutionalization of the center might not have been necessary/ try website design/ maybe not website/ note under rock people could find/ is the center physical or is it your experience?/ how do you answer questions with other questions?/ the spiral made him question a lot. how much of the performance can be open to interpretation versus openly said?/ why can't you cry or stop during the performance?/ performance rooted in 'giving'/ you don't always have answers. questions are recursive/ want to see you experience the questioning as well ”